Seusai mengulang kaji dan membaca bahan bacaan,saya bersiap untuk ke masjid. Berwudhu' dan memakai wangi-wangi. Mengangkat takbir dengan penuh 'sifat kehambaan' dan Tiba-tiba terbau sesuatu yang kurang 'enak'.Bau hanyir ikan di dalam masjid.
Apa selepas Ramadhan? Setelah bermujahadah sebulan,mampukah kita untuk terus beramal seperti di bulan Ramadhan?
16th September 2010
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Sudahkah kita bersedia menyambut ketibaan Ramadhan Yang Mulia?
29th July 2010
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Semua dari kita punya minat,bakat dan hobi tersendiri yang Allah kurniakan. Kumpul setem,kumpul tiket bas,bergambar,bervideo dll. Dan Allah tidak kurniakannya hanya untuk disia-siakan,diabaikan Manfaatkan potensi,bakat,keistimewaan dan kelebihan untuk agama,diri dan umat.
10th July 2010
"Barangsiapa yang Allah menghendaki kebaikan padanya, maka Allah menimpakan kepadanya musibah." (HR. Bukhari).
2nd May 2010
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[Selingan] cuma seminit.
“KOTA BARU, Feb 4 — After rejecting the proposed unity government between PAS and Umno, PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat now wants the two parties to sit together to discuss religious issues. The Kelantan Mentri Besar said nothing could be achieved if PAS and Umno continued their animosity over politics.
“I want discussions on Islam between PAS and Umno. Fifty years of quarrelling… what’s the benefit? The party (Umno) has wasted a lot of time, expertise and funds fighting Islamist movements like PAS. Nothing achieved except endless quarrelling,” he told reporters after attending a seminar here today on the word “Allah”. The one-day seminar, held at the Islamic Educational Centre (Putik), was also attended by Herald-The Catholic Weekly editor Father Lawrence Andrew and Buddhist representative Loo Choo Siang. The idea of a unity government was raised by PAS president Datuk Seri Hadi Awang at the party’s general assembly last year to discuss Malay issues and Islam. Although Umno was open to the idea, Nik Aziz strongly opposed it. Nik Aziz now wants Umno leaders to think about the importance of PAS and Umno sitting together to discusss religious issues, instead of they continuing their quarrel over political and development issues. — Bernama” Syukur.
Alhamdulillah.Alhamdulillah.Alhamdulillah AnaIkhwan
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